
Translating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Benefits to our Partners

To succeed in an increasingly competitive marketplace, pharmaceutical companies must have a strong Environmental, Social and Governance  (ESG) strategy in place.


 Not only does this create value by supporting top-line growth and reducing costs, but it also encourages continued investment from partners seeking to uphold their brand reputation through assurance of supply. Critically, by both safeguarding patient access to essential medicines and delivering on the needs of external stakeholders, strong ESG initiatives promise enhanced business performance that translates to countless  benefits for everyone involved.

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A strong ESG proposition correlates with higher equity returns and a reduction in downside risk (1)

A strong indication that a company is executing its ESG strategy is through inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainabaility Index (DJSI), a widely used framework for evaluating the sustainability performance of thousands of publicly traded companies. Because only the top 10 percent of each industry endure the sustainability best-in-class selection process, being listed in the DJSI bolsters a company’s reputation and future prospects, making it a more attractive prospect to business partners, financial analysts / investors, and broader public stakeholders alike. AbbVie’s Contract Manufacturing Organization (CMO) has been included as part of the company’s DJSI rankings since 2013, where it is a consistent biotech industry leader. Moreover, when AbbVie’s score is broken down  into its component parts, we excel for several key performance indicators, many of which are closely aligned with our commitment to assurance of supply. The value of our DJSI ranking is globally recognized by our partners, who know they can rely on AbbVie CMO for quality products and services,  a robust supply chain, and expert technical support, delivered with laser focus on world class Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) performance,  as well as continuous improvement.

We excel for several key performance indicators, many of which are closely aligned with our commitment to assurance of supply.

2022 DJSI BIOTECH RANKING AbbVie has a consistently high DJSI ranking and  in 2022, we attained the  highest overall score in  the Biotech sector.

SAFETY METRICS AbbVie is a consistently a  top performer for several  DJSI key performance  indicators, including lost  time incident rates. Data  is presented as the rate  per 200,000 hours worked  and assured by a global,  independent leading  certification body.*

The DJSI provides an indication of future performance

The DJSI comprises 24 different indices focused on assessing a company’s overall performance. While some of the indices are linked to the economic standing of the organization and the quality and quantity of its earnings, others are designed to evaluate ESG practices. Getting ESG right equates  to higher value creation – by aiming to reduce the environmental impact  of business operations, increase diversity and inclusion, and implement  solid policies for self-governance, a company stands to boost its wider engagement and further capitalize on existing successes.

Getting ESG right equates to higher value creation.

In recent years, stakeholder scrutiny of the DJSI ranking has intensified. This has largely been due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in those companies with lower resilience to the fragility of global systems suffering larger losses in terms of revenue and market share. As well as promising assurance of supply, a more favorable DJSI ranking suggests that a company has implemented robust measures to mitigate risk, fosters an enduring culture, has employed business continuity measures, and safeguards the long-term sustainability of the business and those it serves.

ESG at a glance

ENVIRONMENTAL measures cover operational efficiency, the threat of climate change, and the depletion of resources; they include factors such as the amount of energy a company uses, the quantity of waste it creates, and the carbon emissions it produces.

SOCIAL criteria encompass diversity, human rights, and employee development; they focus on the relationships formed between a company and the communities in which it operates, as well as commitments to inclusion.

GOVERNANCE measures address policies, management, and oversight of business practices; they look at internal procedures and controls, including how a company ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.

Corporate Sustainability Assessment is a multi-disciplinary process

To be considered for, and maintain placement on, the DJSI ranking, every company is evaluated on identical criteria. For the ESG indices, part of this process involves completing an annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) for review by third-party CSA analysts, who will issue credits based  on the level of detail provided and the amount of supporting evidence supplied. Consequently, the quality of the responses provided in the CSA  is critical to achieving a competitive score. Leadership engagement is fundamental to the effectiveness of ESG initiatives. At AbbVie upper management from multiple functional areas meet routinely to prepare for the annual CSA submittal. Such leadership includes personnel from EHS compliance, occupational medicine, and procurement, as well as individuals with roles in developing and maintaining the supply chain. As part of the submission process, AbbVie benchmarks itself against various industry-related organizations, as well as almost 20 blue chip  industry colleagues.

The 2022 ESG Action Report shows AbbVie achieved multiple  categorical successes.

Translating ESG benefits to our partners

There are many advantages to be gained from partnering with AbbVie CMO, which has attained revered placement on the DJSI. Above all, working with an organization that is invested in ESG can raise credibility for pharma sponsors, especially among investors wishing to assure both ESG compliance and performance. Moreover, where the CMO in question has an advanced EHS program (e.g., engaging suppliers with scope 3 emissions and EHS compliance audits), this sends a strong message that ESG extends beyond conformity and instead has its foundations in a proactive and forward- thinking mindset. Notably, while adherence to good ESG practices is increasingly a globally  felt expectation, companies are at different stages according to size, maturity, and program robustness. Strong ESG commitment and performance can thus be leveraged into a competitive advantage, as exemplified by AbbVie CMO. Through exhaustive cognizance of our key supplier network and their ESG credentials, in addition to ongoing investment of both time and financial resources, AbbVie continues to strengthen its reputation as a leader in  ESG performance. The bottom line is that AbbVie’s ESG achievements have been seminal in helping us to evolve a robust, predictable, and reliable assurance of supply. By passing on these benefits to you, our customer, AbbVie CMO empowers you to continue delivering urgently needed therapeutics to the patients  who need them the most. Contact us today to leverage AbbVie’s unparalleled CMO services and  ESG commitments.

1 Five ways that ESG creates value, Henisz W, Koller T, and Nuttall R, McKinsey Quarterly, November 2019

* Notes on metrics:  1. Data reported in 2021 has been restated due to changes in classification of injury/illness cases post year. Periodically cases will change Recordability or Lost Time status based on medical case management.  2. Data is presented as the rate per 200,000 hours worked.  3. 2018-2021 Lost Time incident  rate includes legacy AbbVie only. 2022 data includes legacy Allergan.  4. 2022 data assured by DNV.


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